Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Day 2

The resume is updated, now its time to start sending off resumes. Is it just me, or is Monster a monstrous atrocity of a website? I have no idea how such a popular website can be so cluttered and confusing, even for a technical guy like myself. When updating your resume it forces you to enter many things that are already in your profile, and forces you to view horrible ads between things. Why would they have such obnoxious ads, I had some sort of full page ad for a sketchy online school that I had to find the "No thanks, next" tiny button at the bottom of the page just to skip.
Anyways, applying to jobs is always a difficult task. There are so many jobs, it is very difficult to determine which you are qualified for and which would actually interest you. I am going to do as I usually do and apply to lots of jobs and figure out after an interview whether the position is right for me.
So far I have been looking into contract positions, since its what I would like to do next. There was an interesting position that was a 3-4 month contract where you work from home and write an interface between a party and some 3rd party software. That sounds really interesting so I hope I hear back from that company.
Finally, I need to begin preparing for the interviews. I believe I have strong technical knowledge, however the interviewers love to ask questions that are very specific and usually things I would quickly lookup if I forgot the answers. So, I will have to do the standard review and preperation for the interviews.

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