Thursday, November 16, 2006

Day 4

So its day 4, or "fo" as the kids call it.

I had an interesting phonecall yesterday with a "consulting" company that basically from what I see provides contract employees to companies. This seems more like a staffing agency than a consulting company. Anyways, they offered me a few different options for contracts, so I am going to meet with them tomorrow. This also is a reminder I need to start preparing for technical interviews. So, for about an hour a day I will start preparing for technical interviews, and probably post some info about that here.
Preparing for an interview, especially phone interviews, involves studying and memorizing specific details. This is not that different from studying for some exams, for example I remember my networks course asked very detailed questions from each of the different network layers. So preparing for these interviews involves taking a specific language and learning how to answer the way they want. Most of these interviewers tend to not be overly technical themselves and have a sheet of keywords in front of them. Also, most of these questions are very low level, and I would normally give a quick google search for them if I wasn't entirely sure of the answer.
Anyways, day fo, interview one coming up tomorrow.

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